The 2020 annual summary meeting ended successfully


      On February 7, Zanyu Technology held the 2020 annual summary meeting. During the special epidemic period, all employees of the company participated in the meeting online, offline or by watching live broadcasts. Mr. Fang Yinjun, the general manager, made a summary of the work in 2020 at the meeting and put forward the work goals and requirements for 2021. In 2020, the new crown epidemic is raging all over the world. Under the correct leadership of the board of directors and management, all employees will be based on their own jobs, be proactive, and cooperate efficiently. All economic indicators throughout the year have reached the expected goals. In 2021, the company will continue to focus on the main business, optimize the layout of industrial upgrading, build key projects with high standards and high efficiency, moderately extend the industrial chain, and consolidate its market and industry position. Afterwards, four representatives from Dukuda, Hangyou Chemical, Jiaxing Zanyu and the Project Office delivered speeches at the meeting, sharing their work experience, experience and insights. Unswervingly achieve the group's established goals.

      The meeting issued this year's rationalization suggestion award, technology award and special award, and notified the assessment of the company's middle-level and above main responsible persons. Mr. Fang signed a target responsibility letter with the person in charge of each business segment. Finally, on behalf of the board of directors, Mr. Zhang Jingguo, chairman of the board, thanked everyone for their hard work in their respective positions over the past year, and extended Chinese New Year wishes to all employees! In the new year, let us ride the wind and waves and move forward bravely!